To most Australian hijabis, Baraka Women SHOULD be a familiar name. Cos if you don't know or haven't heard about it until now, then don't say you live in Australia. Shame on you! :)) Ok, I'm kidding a little, but it frustrates me... the number of hijabis living in Australia and elsewhere know so much about hijab(i) brands faaar faaar and away, when there are stores/brands to provide an alternative locally, so close to home...
I first heard of the Baraka label 2 years ago. I know that they are in Sydney, and that they design/sell the simplest designs in the greatest quality. The fabrics they use are luschious and flowy. I'm sure one would feel like a princess wearing them.
I mean, I would definitely buy and wear, but they do not cater for my size. That is possibly the only negative I can think of. I cannot try their clothing even though I would love to. Another negative may be the price at first glance. However, when you see, feel the fabric, the stitching, the quality, you will understand that the price is well under it's worth.
So when I read an article in Vogue Australia November 2010 edition, I was proud... I was proud to see a label designed with hijabis in mind made it into Vogue! A big applause to Kathy Fry, the designer.
Nuff said! You can all go a browsing on the Baraka Women website and you can also go a shopping online too. Now how can you resist that? Especially with the perfect length dresses, sleeves... :)
Oh, I have to add that I love how Baraka Women are progressing very professionally. I love their lookbook. Here are some of their looks:
I love the colours used in this outfit. The model looks so comfy, peaceful wearing them. I love how everything flows.

A very smart look for any occasion. Loving the denim skirt...
This is definitely the dress tjat I wanted. I absolutely love the entire look.. the cardi... the dress... the balloons... :)))) However, the dress only goes upto a size L. :(
Wow! The model's legs look never ending! Okay besides the point, I like the entire look and I request more hijabs to be used in their next look book. Kathy? Please? :))
Lastly, I would like to thank Kathy for her kind email. At the moment, Baraka Women is giving everybody a FREE $20 voucher. So hurry before the end of the month/year as the offer will end soon. Quick! Quick! Quick! Get those mouses/mice (LOL) a clickety clickin'! :)
Has anybody purchased/worn a Baraka outfit before? Lemme know!!!
Oh, and you Sydney-siders can now visit their new store at:
138 Georges River Road
Croydon Park NSW 2133
Ph +61 2 9797-2684
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