Thursday, April 28, 2011

God may love the 'enemy' too...

Lately I've been trying to read a few books at the same time. I know it is not really recommended to do this, but in all honesty, it makes my brain work harder to try and figure which story belongs to which book once I pick up the novel(s). Oh, and the main reason I am doing this is because I have a book in my handbag, another book by my bed, and one by the coffee table.

It's only for convenience. If I feel like reading, I must have a book by my side so I can start reading before the feeling flees away. :)

Anyhow, one of the books is Mitch Albom's "Have a Little Faith". He is a Jew married to a Lebanese Christian. In his book, he tries to look at issues from many religious aspects. So we have a slightly objective account, which makes it all the more human to me... I'm actually enjoying it, and there are some passages I would like to share via my blog... from time to time... I promise, I will try not to do an overkill, but I cannot guarantee it LOL

Here's the first passage I wanted to share:


     ...and I am in my religious highschool. The subject is the parting of the Red Sea. I yawn. What is left to learn about this? I've heard it a million times.I look accross the room to a girl I like and contemplate how hard it would be to get her attention.

"There is a Talmudic commentary here," the teacher says.

Oh, great, I figure. This means translation, which is slow and painful. But as the story unfolds, I begin to pay attention.

After the Israelites safely crossed the Red Sea, the Egyptians chased after them and were drowned. God's angels wanted to celebrate the enemy's demise.

According to the commentary, God saw this and grew angry. He said, in essence: "Stop celebrating for those were my children, too."

Those were my children , too.

"What do you think of that?" the teacher asks us.

Someone else answers. But I know what I think. I thnk it is the first time I've heard that God might love the "enemy" as well as us.
Years later, I will forget the class, forget the teacher's name, forget the girl accross the room. But I will remember that story.

--Albom, Mitch, "Have a Little Faith", p.76, Sphere (2009)

I found this thought provoking... What about you? What is running through your mind after reading this passage?


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