Sunday, June 12, 2011


The development contract of the TAM Light Tank, was signed between the German "Thyssen Henschel" company and Argentine government at the beginning of 70-ties. TAM means Tanque Argentino Mediano - Argentine Medium Tank). Furthermore this contract intended development not only of 30-tone light tank, completed with the 105-mm gun. Also there had to be developed an infantry fighting vehicle, unified as much as possible with it.
The TAM Light Tank

   The first test example of the light tank was built by "Thyssen Henschel" plants in Germany in 1976. TAM and infantry fighting vehicles were produced in Argentina since 1979 to 1985. Overall there were planned to built 500 vehicles (200 light tanks and 300 infantry fighting vehicles), unfortunately due to financial reasons this number was decreased to 350 light tanks and infantry fighting vehicles.
 The hull and the turret are welded from steel armor plates. Frontal armor of the hull and the turret protects from up to 40-mm armor-piercing projectiles, board armor - from firearm bullets. Hull's boards and chassis are covered with a steel anti-cumulative screens. Furthermore front arranged engine and transmission serve as additional protection for the combat compartment.
The TAM Light Tank
   The TAM Light Tank is armed with the L7A2 105-mm Rifled Gun, stabilized in both planes. Gun's barrel is completed with a very effective muzzle-brake, thermal sleeve, and ejection device. This gun fires all 105-mm NATO standards compatible projectiles. Ammunition load consists from 50 projectiles. 20 of them are placed in the turret, while remaining - in the hull.
The TAM Light Tank
   The TAM Light Tank is powered with the MB883 Ka-500 6-cylinder diesel engine. It is developed by German "MTU" company and reaches a maximum power of 70 hp. under 2 400 rpm. It is made in one block with HSWL-204 hydro-mechanic transmission, designed by German company "Renk". Planetary gearbox provides 4 forward and 4 backward gears.
 The TAM Light Tank features high speed characteristics. It reaches maximum speed on road in 75 km/h. On cross-country terrain it manages 60ยบ slopes, 0.9 meter height vertical step, 2.9 meter wide trenches. Tank fords 1.4 meter depth water obstacles without preparation and up to 4 meters with an underwater driving equipment.
   Vehicle is completed with air filtering device, fire prevention means, heater and radio equipment.
   On the TAM Light Tank there were based later mentioned armored vehicles:
   - The VCTP Infantry Fighting Vehicle;
   - The VCA-155 155-mm Self-Propelled Artillery Gun;
   - VCLC-CAM and VCLC-CAL Multiple Launch Rocket System;
   - Armored recovery vehicle;
   - The VCTM 120-mm Self-Propelled Mortar;
   - VCPC Comand Vehicle;
   - The VCRT Engineering Vehicle.


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