Tuesday, July 19, 2011

Itssssssssssssssss coooooooomiiiiiiing!

Yaaayyyyyyyyyyyyyyyy! Alhamdulillaaaah! It's coming its coming its comiiiiing! :) Less than two weeks left. Unbelievable! :))))

Yes! I am talking about Ramadhan! :) I feel so joyeous about its return. I feel as though this Ramadhan is going to be awesome inshaallah. Soooo very excited about it. So! you ready girls???

My excitement may possibly be related to doing half of Ramadhan in Oz, and completing the other half in Turkey, my beloved Istanbul?! Yesss that does have a lot to do with it. :)

Well, I have promised myself that this Ramadhan I am going to live to the fullest inshaallah. Both in terms of ibadah (prayers, supplications, charities, etc) and in seeing people... Oh and what about foooooooooooooood?

NOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO!!!!!!!! Seriously, overeating is totally out of the question, it is so against the spirit of Ramadhan. Eat in moderation, and consider the situation of those who cannot afford to eat what we eat... or even eat one of the many different types of meals we prepare for iftar (breaking fast). Well, I have the advantage of the band which wont allow me to overeat anyway :P So alhamdulillah to that also :)

Ummmmm so you will be getting blog posts from Oz (maybe not many as I will be busy moving all my furniture either to storage (until I return from turkey) or to storage... Butttttttttttttt inshaallah I will share the best Ramadhan posts from Istanbul. Ohhh I'm gonna go to the Ramadhan fair at the Blue Mosque grounds. It happens every year since the Ottomans. So it's a very old tradition. Oooh I better not share much now and leave it all to time. :))))

Yes, I'm happy... excited... Obvious? Well it's a good thing. Alhamdulillah. :) Alhamdulillah my flu is also starting to go away. It's been two weeks, still recovering alhamdulillah. On top of all that, I am still buried under heaps of translation work. Of course I am thankful to Allah for that also. A girl needs an income you know. :)

Well, I'll leave it at that for now. :) Just wanted to share the love.



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