Thursday, July 21, 2011

Want. Need. Required.

My shoe 'fetish' is starting to get out of hand of late. I have more shoes than I can/do wear... and the number is just increasing and increasing.

I wasn't actually so bad.. until last year! I had a very very bad case of spurs on both heels... probably for about 5 years in total. Too painful to walk on anything that wasnt cushioned! Alhamdulillah I got treated in Turkey last year (using shock wave therapy). I still had severe pains in the first few months, so I thought it didn't work, but now, alhamdulillah, for almost 6-7 months, I am pain-free. I can walk/run/dance, basically do anything for hours. Alhamdulillah! I seriously cannot explain how thankful I am, as the 5 years of spurs were really really painful for me. I really felt I was useless, worthless... most of all, I felt like a disappointment to everyone who would go out with me.

So... Now that I am cured, alhamdulillah, I'm back to loving shoes... wearing all kinds... basically I prefer heels to flats now! Flats were the cause of my spurs. Doctors have really advised against wearing flats especially for prolonged hours. High heels are obviously unhealthy too (when worn long hours), but docs say they aint as bad as dead flats. The heel needs some support. Thanks to the platforms and even wedges, heels don't need to hurt. :)))

Anyways, to the point.

I want this baby:

It's nothing flash, but just looks so comfy and hottttttttttttttt. Butttttt, I'm actually fighting against it at the moment. If I purchased every shoe I wanted, boy, I think I'd be out on the street... my shoes and I. :)

Hmm.. they are beautiful... there will be prettier ones in the future.. near future... I'm sure.. especially with eid just around the corner. :)))) 3 days of eid... 3 new pairs of shoes? Of course not. :) But tis a nice thought to entertain.. ahhhh :)


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