Salam,Pernah dengar 'The Sartorialist'?yes, blog yang isinya tentang street style itu loh!blog yang udah dibukukan itu bener bener sangat menginspirasi sayamembuktikan bahwa tidak cuma manusia kelas atas dengan segala branded stuff nya saja yang bisa stylish,...
Just found this on this LINK!Those people who possess red color in a balanced proportion prove to be helpful to others, they are egalitarians. They expend their abilities to the fullest in their most favorite interests.note: whatever the color you like most,...
The most awaited moment in Ied day for me are gathering with family, eat a bunch of yummy food, and wearing a new clothes?? hahaha... okey, that's kinda odd for me to say, hehe...
We got interviewed by Pagi Jakarta on Ochannel, talking about Hijabers Community and gave some tutorial's hijab :)Not allowed to copy & paste photo without permission.Copyright of saturday. b...
Can't believe Ramadhan month is almost over! it's scary and crazy how time passed by so quickly. sometimes I wish I have a remote timer and click pause button and go back to the time that I have wasted for a bunch of useless things. I admit I regret so many things...
Just to let ya’ll know, that the sole purpose for me to write this thing is out of my sincerity to share an experience from a close friend. I really don't mean to hurt any one in any way. Please forgive me if I did.I have a friend, let me just call her Thea* not her real name. She's a bubbly girl, full...
Sari Putri Utami ( Puput Utami ), 20 tahun.Hello Puput, katanya kamu hobi banget nyanyi dan main piano yah? ceritain dong....PU : Hobi nyanyi dan musik dari kecil karena notabene orang tua berdarah seni juga. Keluarga dari papa rata-rata penyanyi dan pemain musik,...
Indonesia Islamic Fashion Fair 2011 resmi dibuka Kamis 11 Agustus 2011. 20 Perancang busana muslim terkenal dilibatkan dalam acara ini untuk memeriahkan kegiatan tersebut. Acara tersebut digelar di Pusat perbelanjaan terbesar di kawasan Jakarta Barat, Central...
hijabers communitythe stagefrom the backstageJakarta Islamic Fashion Guide by Hijabers Community and RICMAGandaria City, 20 Agustus 2011digital image by siti juwariyahNot allowed to copy & paste photo without permission.Copyright of saturday. b...
Been here for four days now and already missing my family, friends and home... but especially my mummy...I can't wait to settle in, otherwise seems like I'm going to be missing everyone and everything I left behind even more. However, the weather is nicer, and...