Saturday, August 13, 2011

Moi... just moving n working working workingggg

It's been quite a while since my last post. Sheesh! I even missed my regular Friday post this week. :(

So I finally moved all my furniture to storage last weekend. Alhamdulillah. Took me quite a few days to recover and make all those calls to cancel my utility bills and bla bla bla. Then I set to work on my piles and piles of translation work. Alhamdulillah... However, it's just been hectic as I am always lathargic and sleepy (apparently I'm anemic, have iron, vitamin d and b deficiencies, so that's causing all this) and have no energy to keep up my required work performance. Hmm should be completing my main translation project by Sunday night inshaallah.

Anyhow, so that's just basically been it. I was invited to a lovely, in fact an amazing iftar last night. The lovely Ayse prepared so many scrumptiously delicious food that I didn't really know which one to eat. May Allah bless her and reward her efforts! Ameen.

Then tonight a friend suggested we go out for iftar... Sort of like a "last time" thing before I leave. :((( So I suggested halal Nandos. :)) Yummmm!

Oh, and I have decided not to go to Turkey this year. I am quite sad about it, but not really at the same time... I am just too tired. Going to Turkey now means that I will be putting off finding a house in Sydney for a few more months... and living out of my luggage for another 4-5 months. I really do not think I can handle that this year. Seriously, it's just getting too much for me. Must be part of the ageing factor!

So all I want to do is drive up to Sydney (yep, will be driving up all alone.. should be an experience!) and find a decent rental property inshaallah and move in.. settle in.. I just want to settle in, otherwise just seems like I'm going to feel like I'm on a rollercoaster until I do. Hectic I tell ya!

Yeah, so that's about it... I've moved furniture... Been working on my laptop and sleeping on my laptop... trying to see friends before I go... getting ready to go to a new place (Sydney)... I feel like I'm a new/fresh bride moving to a new country. Oh no! I'm gonna be an import! LOL No offence meant to anybody... I would just talk to and about my husband as an import, now the tables are turned. :)))) Me an import... May Allah make the transition and adaptation an easy one. Ameen!

And here are a couple photos from iftar tonight :)

Ahhh my Nandos chicken and fries. My fave! Oh, and I've had a lot of readers asking me about the weightloss. I shall be preparing another post just on my weightloss and all, but for now I would just like to state: it really is about controlling your portions. So in other words, counting calories does help, but if you can't be bothered, just eat less. For example, I did not eat the entire contents of my plate. That was the smallest serving. A tip: eat half of what is on your plate, and share the other half with your friends who are dining with you!

This was the first time I had Churros. Well, the Spanish ones at least. We have a Turkish version of this which just consists of the pastry part only.. No icing sugar or ddipping chocolate with it... Oh and the Turkish version has a little more sherbet on the outside. But yeah it was yummy, and I suggest eating one piece ONLY. It really is rich and hmm full of calories. :) Once you are done eating one, even that will give your tummy a sinking feeling. So seriously, just one piece is more than enough. :)

Missing you all... But I shall be back soon inshaallah with regular posts... Asta la vista... baby! I know, cheesy, but who cares, Schwazzanegger rocks! haha


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