I was wearing: Nude cardi(Disney), Polka dot vintage skirt(Vintagepod), Denim leggings(Dolly), Yellow pumps(Vincci), Vintage bag(Vintage Biri-biri)
Ok,so in the evening, got back home, and nip and tuck sessions began! Sewed myself a bubble skirt. It's from the leftover scraps from my previous baju kurung moden~~
And voila!
By night, us fams went to Pavi.. And dearest Bapak bought me and iqa awesome juicy fruits! Hehe.. Look down below! ;)
Like Iqa the Lame said 'Juicy FREAKIN Couture'
Was wearing: Military green inner(Indo), Plaid top(P&Co), Lame skinnies(Voir), Wedges(Vincci), Clutch(Charles & Keith), Necklace(Forever21)
*Yeayyyy & Alhamdulillah at the same time!!*
Eventhough I didn't get the Velour Nardles as in my wishlist, I got this Baby Fluffy instead. Really, that's the name of the bag!
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