Monday, May 14, 2012

Leftblock & Wondermilk - My Amethyst

Leftblock & Wondermilk - My AmethystLeftblock & Wondermilk - My Amethyst

Leftblock & Wondermilk - My AmethystLeftblock & Wondermilk - My AmethystLeftblock & Wondermilk - My Amethyst

*Tok..tok.tok..* Is this mic working?
Hehe, Howdy ya'll... How's life? I just got back from a flea market-preloved sale event hosted by Leftblock and Fat Spoon. I was excited to meet my twittergengs caused we've been talking bout meeting up like foreva! So, when events like these came to our doorstep, of course we wouldn't miss it for the world.

Fantastic fashionistas selling off their items at major cut-off prices! My eyeballs was actually rolling round and round seeing all the stuff. Too bad the place is quite small for events like these. Issocay, there's always a next year! And I had so much fun chit-chatting with Umi, Shakira, Syu, Maria, Bella, Yanny, Ami, Msvlad and Jezmine! We were basically laughing our lungs out cause miss Maria tak boleh duduk diam! hahaha.. Whatever it is,we luv ya babe! :P

Our next stop, LIVE FASHION/LOVE MUSIC Maysaa event! Are you coming?


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