Monday, May 14, 2012

Poison Apple of N - My Amethyst

Poison Apple of N - My AmethystPoison Apple of N - My AmethystPoison Apple of N - My AmethystPoison Apple of N - My AmethystPoison Apple of N - My AmethystPoison Apple of N - My Amethyst

Happy late Friday everyone..
I'm sure most of you are happy that the weekends are here, right? I should be too! But all I can say is beneath the smile that I show in my blog, or when I'm out and about or even at my class, I'm in deep pain. Not physical pain of course. Shall not say much here. But if it exceeds my patience, I think I'll one day burst here in front of you readers. Arghh.

So back to my outfit, I wore a soft flowy blouse which I really adore! It felt really airy due to the softness of the material. So perfect for Malaysian sunny weather ;) Plus I think you can have a formal or non-formal look when wearing the blouse. Depends on what you pair em with ;)

Oooohh, tomorrow, the Scarflets are gonna be doing something out of the ordinary! We'll keep you guys updated bout it later yeah? Can't wait!! *Clue: The actress of Syurga Cinta* hihihi...


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