Monday, May 14, 2012

Scarflets Photoshoot Gala! - My Amethyst

Scarflets Photoshoot Gala! - My AmethystWith my cat and my bunny :)

Scarflets Photoshoot Gala! - My AmethystScarflets Photoshoot Gala! - My AmethystScarflets Photoshoot Gala! - My Amethyst
Scarflets Photoshoot Gala! - My AmethystPolaroids is a must!
Scarflets Photoshoot Gala! - My AmethystMy mouth is actually sore right now. I just can't stop smiling! So today the Scarflets were invited by non other than miss Chentanana and crew to do a photoshoot on us bloggers. The planning was crazy! From twitter, to facebook inbox then to SMSs, and calls to find the route. And at last, we made it to Putrajaya :)

Thank God the weather was so nice and there weren't lots of people around. That case we could be as cuckoo as much as we want! ;) So here are some of the piccas. Well, mine are so mediocre compared to Babah's, Halmus's, Jais's and Chal's. Hence the release of only selected ones. haha! And after using Ami's GF1, I can fairly say--waaaaa!!! I want that camera!! My sis who actually has that camera is in Oz. Greattt~ Baru nak buat harta :P

By the end of the day, all of us felt sooo tired but happy!! A gazillion thanks to Chentanana for organising such an unforgettable experience for all of us, the Scarflets. We enjoyed every minute of the shoot :D


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