Monday, May 14, 2012

Seeing Double - My Amethyst

Seeing Double - My Amethyst

Sorry for the long awaited outfit post! Was actually chillaxing at home doing nothing..haha..Awesome eh? Hmm, a lil update about me, I've said before that I'm gonna pursue my masters, right? Well, the orientation week is about to start! Woohoo!! Personally, I'm a bit excited and looking forward to being a student again. Gonna bring out the geek chic in me this coming semester.. So, more update on that later ;)

What I'm psyched to show you guys is this:
Me and Yanny, again goofing off in a white studio. Hihi.. I cannot say much yet, but a few surprises are coming your way! :P Do follow our blogs for updates on that so-called 'surprise' yeah? ;D As for now, just enjoy them pics. haha.. There's a lot actually, but we're too shy shy cat too release em here LOLZ. (Takde keje suruh korang enjoy tengok pics kitorang)

Seeing Double - My AmethystSeeing Double - My AmethystSeeing Double - My Amethyst


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