Monday, May 14, 2012

Too Cool for School - My Amethyst

Too Cool for School - My AmethystToo Cool for School - My AmethystToo Cool for School - My Amethyst

Aloha cybergeeks! It's Friday! And what does that mean? Nothing actually...ahaha... Anyhoo, I went out today with my dearest baby sis, Iqa. We went to get coupla things done and just to fill our Friday today. Thought I'd cheer my day up with wearing something floral and laid back. I got my floral pink top from Classywardrobe! Remember the one I posted about the puffy sleeved cardi at the supermarket? Yeah, that shop. She has the most insanely comfortable pieces! I love the fact that this cotton floral dress doesn't cling tightly to my body. It just stays in place and behaves! :P Don't believe me? Check out those posey smiles I had! Hahaha..

Too Cool for School - My AmethystGo check Classywardrobe for they're having sales all throughout this month! Wheee!! I'm all about stuffs from the discounted rack!! And if you get this exact dress that I wore, you'll get yourself a free necklace! Why I say dress? As it falls below my bumbum. Score! Ahh, say no more, go check it out already! :D


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