Our new design for ALUYYA collection.Avalaible today 1st on July 2011 at MOSHAICT"Batwings Cardigan" "Lace Cardi" Not allowed to copy & paste photo.Copyright of MalabisMoslembyLuluitsme.b...
So, I was invited by Nana and Shahida Shariff to Button My Buttons exclusive fashion show with Aidilfitri as the theme. The dresscode was to wear something traditional, so plain ol me just wore my cotton kurung! Heee :DI was thrilled to go you know. Cause few...
Remember [this] ? Hijab Scarf and Fimela.com event.Yes, finally you can RSVP the event here www.bit.ly/HSFevent(You can use your email or Facebook account).PS : After RSVP, please check your email and save your ticket on your phone.We will ask it, at the registration...
Hello everyone, meet META NADILLAa graphic designer from University of Paramadina.Im in love with her beautiful illustration,Take a look for her artwork :visit her tumblr:http://metanadilla.tumblr.c...
Short Bob Hair StyleShort Bob Hair StyleShort Bob Hair StyleShort Bob Hair StyleShort Bob Hair StyleShort Bob Hair StyleShort Bob Hair StyleShort Bob Hair StyleShort Bob Hair StyleShort Bob Hair St...