Sunday, June 12, 2011

A "superb" magazine for Turkey - Âlâ Dergi

My lovely readers from the first time I started blogging will remember... I really wanted to start up a hijab fashion magazine. I use the term 'fashion' loosely... I even found many lovely and competent women who like myself wanted to be part of such a formation. However, money matters wouldn't even allow a start. I really believe we need more magazines in the west that can 'compete' against the likes of Vogue and Elle, etc... Maybe even Cosmopolitan?

I am aware of the existence magazines such as Emel and Sisters... However, they are not widely available? Also, the contents need to interest and inspire women of all kinds... In the west, we live in a society where we are 'accepted' but still 'unknown'. Anyhow, deep issues... need to be kept for another post. :)

On Friday, the 10th of June 2011, a new magazine was launched in Turkey. It is the first of it's kind in Turkey. Âlâ Dergi... "Âlâ" (pronounced aa-laa), meaning "superb, excellent..." targets the huge number of hijabi women in Turkey. I always wondered why Turkey held back for such a long time.... But thanks to its founders Volkan Atay and Burak Birer, it is available on news stands alongside other magazines. I am really hoping I can get a hold of a copy... The names participating in the making of the magazine are professional hijabi women whom I have been following for a while. The presentation seems promising... Reviews from readers who were able to get a hold of the magazine seems promising... I am really very excited!

I wanted to share my translation from a Turkish news site regarding the magazine, just so you have a brief idea:

A new magazine was launched this week under the name Âlâ. While the contents deal with fashion on one hand, on the other hand it deals with the specifics of Islamic attire. Volkan Atay and Burak Birer, the founders of the magazine which is a first in the industry, believe that the magazine is going to act as a bridge between hijabi women and manufacturers.

The terms hijab and fashion have been the topic of arguments for many years, it was debated "Can hijab be associated with fashion?" Some simply said, "No, that is not possible, fashion is extravagance, and Islam is against extravagance." While others said, "I do not see anything wrong with shaping my needs in accordance with fashion." Let the debate continue, the 'beautiful lifestyle' magazine Âlâ targeting mostly hijabi women is out... The conetnts contents deal with fashion on one hand, while on the other hand it deals with the specifics of modest attire...

The founders of the magazine are Volkan Atay and Burak Birer. They too believe that the term "hijab fashion" is wrong. Volkan says, "What we call fashion tells us what we buy during one season should be trashed another season. This is incompatible with the Islamic code of faith. On the other hand, fashion has variable rules such as, 'this year, arms are revealed, skirt lengths are short, etc.' In a sense, it also interferes in the form of covering. This is why it is wrong to call it 'hijab fashion'. Of course we are going to utilize fashionable details, but this does not mean the same thing as hijab fashion."

The formation process of the magazine is also interesting. In actual fact, neither Atay nor Birer have any relation to fashion. They are both in advertising. They were both focused on branding strategies until stepping into the magazine business. A photo shoot they did for a company took the attention of Sarah Joseph, the editor of UK based Islamic lifestyle magazine, Emel Magazine. Joseph wanted to use the said photo in her magazine. She contacted Atay and Birer. With this, they found the opportunity to meet. Consequently they got to see the magazine. Then the idea, "What a great magazine, why shouldn't we have a similar one in Turkey!"... 

He continues, "The way to overcome this problem was to establish a magazine that explores, deals with fashion and modest attire. In fact, bloggers have successfully built a bridge between the manufacturer and the consumer. However, they only target an 'internet oriented' audience. Whereas a magazine can reach the entire hijabi audience." They aim to make modest attire simple and chic. In addition to this, to establish a common ground that will enable hijabi/modest attire manufacturers to keep informed of one another.

For now, they have started with a team of 11. In addition to this, they are receiving outside support. Volkan Atay is the chief owner, Esra Seziş is the fashion editor, Ayşe Merve Dağlı and Rukiye Taşçı are the photographers, Burak Birer is the advertising group director, and Davut Yücel is appointed as the art director. They are just beginning. They still have room for improvement. However, the team is aware of all this. They say that they are going to take care of everything with time. Afterall, being a first in the industry has as many disadvantages as it does advantages.

The magazine includes interviews with hijabi/modest attire company directors, designers, and special boutique owners, blog introductions, street photo shoots, style suggestions, colour trends, current issues, and editorials. Photo shoots of looks put together by Fashion Editor Esra Seziş from hijabi/modest clothing company collections can also be found in the magazine along with bride and groom shots from a photographer's point of view.


How readable does this look! :)

All ready to go out to the news stands! Yay!

A slightly long interview promising exciting contents. Who wouldn't want to work with such a team on such a project? Most fashion bloggers I believe have the same dream... Do we not? :)

I wish them great success... and seriously, I would love to own a copy! If I can get a hold of one, I will definitely share bits and pieces. :)

*All photos have been taken from the magazine's Facebook Page. The social media links and URL for the magazine are provided below:



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