Saturday, June 11, 2011

Oh what a wedding!

No, it wasn't really that crash hot. It was just an excuse to spend some time with family and possibly see some friends. That's exactly what happened!

It's amazing... I am starting to shock myself, because lately I seem to know exactly what I will be wearing and I don't exert much energy into the decision process. I don't now how that happened? Probably because I know exactly what is in my wardrobe? You think so? Hmm...

I wanted to keep it simple. It was a mixed event, so no going overboard with anything. A maxi dress... a crop cardi over it... and since the weather is freeeeeziiiiing, my leather jacket over all that. :) Simple!!!

The only thing that had me thinking was my scarf. I reall didn't want to wear plain black, but the dress had floral red/blue/cream print all over it. Red would be too loud... I didn't have the certain type of blue, and I seriously cannot wear plain cream around my face! Makes me look dead. If I had the blue I would have definitely gone with that, but this time round I opted to go with the black.. I sorta had to do it, no other choice. :) It didn't turn out bad, but yeah, I like doing something different from time to time.

So here's my look for the night:

Floral Maxi: City Chic, Pleather Jacket: City Chic, Black Hijab/Scarf: edb Collection

I must add that many of the young women were dressed in such a lovely way, I wish I could have photographed them. I don't feel confident approaching people to ask if I can photograph them for my blog, but I am finding that people whom I would never have guessed are reading my blog. It's such a lovely feeling... so if they know about my blog, then maybe it wont be so difficult to ask for a photo... I just don't know how I would explain the reason LOL


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