Monday, May 14, 2012

Only Girl in the World - My Amethyst

Only Girl in the World - My AmethystOnly Girl in the World - My AmethystOnly Girl in the World - My AmethystOnly Girl in the World - My AmethystOnly Girl in the World - My AmethystOnly Girl in the World - My Amethyst
Only Girl in the World - My Amethyst

Today me and my friend had so much fun! I wish to jot it all in here. Hehe... Since I've got tonnes of assignments to be done, and being me, I really can't work at home. It's either I finish my work at my studio, or just about anywhere else that can bring up the mood for me. So yeah, I decided to do my paintings today at my studio since it rained all morning. I'm so happy too that I got a few done. Since all work and no play makes Shea a dull girl, me and my photographer friend(let's just call him M), went to titiwangsa to well, basically takes shots of me!! He was really excited in taking my pictures and boy, did he did a great job! Thanx M!! :D

So, enjoy them pics of me being a true vainpot I am. Haha. I told him to stop already but he wouldn't listen! :P Counting my fingers for the next shooting session! Any ideas for awesome spots for photoshoots? Do leave me a comment yeah? Thanxy!


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