Monday, May 14, 2012

Terrified - My Amethyst

You set it again, my heart's in motion
Every word feels like a shooting star
I'm at the edge of my emotions
Watching the shadows burning in the dark

And I'm in love
And I'm terrified
For the first time and the last time
In my only life
Katherine McPhee - Terrified

Terrified - My Amethyst
Terrified - My Amethyst

First of all, wanna say Gong Xi Fatt Choi to all my chinese friends out there! Hope everyone's having a tremendous time with your families this holidays. I went out today with my sis to OU, only to find out the Apple store we're heading to is closed. Boo. There goes my excitement in getting an 'apple' there. Hehe..

So back to my outfit, you know how you have all these oversized blouses and they just sometimes falls in the plain category? I suggest you'd tie em up like how I did. Instant magnifico! :P If you visit The Poplook, you can see they have this light-material blouse in Beige(mine), white and pink! Go crazy!

P/s: Happy belated birthday to my dearest daddy, and happy birthday to Heliza Helmi! :D


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