Heyya blogsphere! I'm backkkk! Hehehe..
Really miss this good ol blog of mine ya know.. So yeah, I was here all this while, doing everything I can to complete my works, projects and assignments. And now, the holidays are finally here!!
Being silent from the blogsphere doesn't mean I'm silent from shopping :P
I've found this two cool shops which I find their pieces to die for! I've never had a dressy caftan in my life, so when I saw this shop, I decided hey, I need one! Especially when it's soooo in. To complete my look today, I paired my enchanting caftan with this vintagey floral headband. A true match! (Ada ala-ala Nur Kasih tak? :PPP)
You can click the links above to visit their respective sites. ;)
Till we meet again in my next post--I'll be flying to Aussie tonight! Luv luv!
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