Muslimah Style: Ayesha
My name is Ayesha and I am 18 years old. I am originally from London, England and now currently live in Alberta, Canada. I am a freshman at university, studying International Business.
My Style
I have no particular "style", only because I wear mainstream clothing from high-end shops. I wear an outfit according to my mood, and I make sure it looks polished and presentable. I absolutely adore colours and try to wear as many as possible! I am conscious about clothes showing off my shape too much, so I tend to buy more looser, longer items. Layering clothes is one thing I always do. It helps me to keep warm because I'm one of those people who are always cold, and also because it looks fabulous. I take inspiration from celebrities, magazines, street style and try to apply it to my own outfits while still dressing like 'me'. And of course, a girl can never have too many accessories! It jazzes up an outfit and can make a statement saying you're original, unique, and can pull off anything!
What I personally love about wearing the hijab is that you can do so many different styles and express yourself, while still being modest. There's only so much you could do with your hair, but with hijab, the possibilities are endless. Of course that's only the bonus, the main thing is obeying Allah's rule and being proud of being a Muslimah! My hijab style also is influenced by all the different nationalities other Muslim women come from that I see at school, work, in down town, etc. Right now I'm really digging the Turkish and Egyptian style. I experiment with a lot of looks from Lebanon because of all my Lebanese friends. It's weird to say, but I find that trying to be more multicultural in the way I dress is really inspiring me to do my degree in international business. I love to be part of something new every now and then, and that truly is expressed through how I dress.
I'm a jeans type of gal. It's something that will never go out of style (depending on which jean style of course), and living in a place like Canada, it's all people wear really. I'm also a huge bargain shopper! (yes, when I come to London... it's all about PRIMARK!!!) H&M, Urban Behavior and Sirens is just naming a few places I shop at. Since my clothes are so mainstream and 'common', I'm determined to try the whole vintage look from those cute little boutiques in down town. Although first impressions count for everything, I don't dress to impress other people. I dress to please myself, to make me feel more confident in the world, and to be creative and whimsical. Have fun, love yourself, and FEEL GOOD in what you wear!
Top Tips
1) Always, and I say ALWAYS have an turban/bandana/bone/underpiece inside your hijab! It prevents your hijab from slipping and has a clean, neat look.
2) Long sleeve shirts for us hijabis is like having the latest Windows software for nerds! It's a must! (btw, i fall into the nerd category too, so no harm meant.) You can pair any shirt you want with a longsleeve and it looks super cute when worn with a maxi dress.
3) Allah has made the world so beautiful, so appreciate it with wearing the colours he has created. You can look beautiful in other colours besides black!
4) Only wear what makes you feel comfortable and pretty. If you hate the way you look in something, it will make you feel crap all day (trust me!)
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