There was this dress I wanted... A Tekbir dress from my own store. It's from their 2010 S/S collection. I knew I wouldn't fit into it, but I tried the largest size anyway! I couldn't get it down my arms. I was stuck with a dress half way down my arms, with my arms held above my head. It wouldn't budge down. LOL
Mum and sis told me to put it back up at the shop so that someone else who can fit into it buy it. I said, "I don't care, I want it and inshaallah there will come a time when I will fit into it."
You know, it's not a crash hot, mouth watering dress. Nothing like that at all. I guess I've never had such a pretty dress (it is summer pretty with flower appliques all over it), and it was a matter of pride (or a challenge) to fit into it. I also remember a lovely lady wearing it during my 2010 holiday in Turkey. I guess I wanted to look like her. :P
Now, I fit into the dress, and in fact it is a size too big at the moment. It's still good to wear, because originally it is a fitted dress up top. Right now, it is perfect in terms of modesty up top if you know what I mean. :) So it's not sloshy and sloppy...
Anyways, yes, I am thrilled to fit into the dress... more thrilled that it is even a size big... but it no longer charms me... it's a bit too pretty for me... probably the word I'm looking for is "young". Yes, it's a little too young for me, I just don't feel it's my style. But is it comfy? Sure it! One piece. Pop it on and add hijab, and don't worry about any other layer if you are not an abaya kinda gal.
I don't know? I really like it, but not on me... and probably not in (almost) winter in Australia. Woggy a bit? Whateveeerrrr :) I'm a little bit of a wog. I think I'm overthinking it LOL
So here is a detail shot of my pretty dress. :)
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