Monday, August 22, 2011

Halal Dining - Iftar @ Burger Edge

Salams and Hello!

I have been literally hanging to write a post. It feels like sooooo long. However, I couldn't post anything until I had my translation project completed (yet I have another that is also due soon inshaallah). Oh and I am in Sydney now. So I am officially a Sydneysider.. as of Saturday the 20th of August 2011. Khayr inshaallah! Homeless! Jobless! Seeking! :)

Now, this post was actually due last week.

Alhamdulillah friends have been inviting me over and out to iftar as we wont be seeing each other again for quite some time. My last friend iftar was out with a group of friends. Apparently Burger Edge at Northlands Shopping Centre (in Melbourne) is now halal!

How awesome is that! Alhamdulillah. Another addition to our list of places to dine. Burgers! Yay! Something different to halal kebabs and pizza. :)

So anyhow... They have beef/chicken/veggie burgers. I'm a chicken person (so much so that I'm about to lay eggs soon!), so I only focused on the chicken menu. Such an amazing variety of burgers! It took me a good 15 minutes to decide which chicken menu I wanted. I was stuck between the "Cranberry Suprise" and "Bombay Bash". I ended up going with the Bombay Bash which was a marinated tandoori chicken breast burger with coriander, salad and tzatziki.

I ordered the small menu which included a can of drink and chippies. OMG the thought of those chips have my mouth watering at the moment. Never in my life have I ever tasted chips as succulent (yes! succulent!) and as tasty as the Burger Edge chips...

Oh and before I go any further, this is the notice on Burger Edge's website:

"Burger Edge uses only Halal Beef and Chicken, but is not a Halal environment. We use salami, ham and bacon in our burgers.

Customers are requested to alert counter staff if this is an issue to avoid cross contamination on grills and preparation areas."

So I'm assuming that all their joints provide halal chicken and beef? Oh and it's so great that they have noted that we request it be prepared in a 'halal condition', on separate grills etc etc. I'm liking Burger Edge even more now! But it is such a pity that I got to meet this taste for the first time only 2 days before I left Melbourne. I cannot believe they have no Burger Edge in Sydney. PLEEEEEEASEEEEEEEEE can someone rich in Sydney buy a franchise. :))))) They have them in Victoria, Western Australia, and Queensland. You lucky ducks!

Anywhooo back to the food. You have a choice of various breads: Sourdough White, Sourdough Wholemeal, Soft Turkish, Gluten Free or Tortilla Wrap.

Always being indecisive with food, I was stuck between the wrap and Turkish bread. Oh well, I knew I wouldn't go wrong with the Turkish (cos being a Turk, I'm biased like that LOL), and ya know what! I was right! It was delici-o-sooooo! Aaargggghhhh there a couple hours to iftar and I want soooomeee.

Me wipes the saliva around my mouth. :P

So, there's no need in me saying, but I'll say it anyway: The food is really really fresh. You can just tell when you bite into it. Their kitchens are exposed and the food is prepared right before your eyes, so you can actually see how it's prepared. Nice and clean. :)

About dining at the Northlands joint... Seriously, it aint a big place at all. All tables are for two, however, there is a small cubicle kind of area at the back. We were lucky enough to grab it thanks to a friend who got there before everyone else! So if you are in a group of 4-6 people, you need to make sure you get that cubicle. :)

For those who want to go, park your car at the Hoyts Cinema section of the shopping centre. Walk through the doors where Mc Donald's is on the left. When you walk a little bit more there are ATMs. Look to your left when you get to the ATMs. It's a small entry on the corner.

Hmmm, had I mentioned how delicious the chips were? :) You can get chicken salt or standard salt on them. Seriously, I have been craving them ever since. Oh Allah, forgive me. :)

I think the menu on the left was a beef one, the one on the right is the Cranberry Suprise (chicken). I was told it was amazingly delicious. :)

Had I mentioned how huge the burgers were? This was my Bombay Bash and this was all I could eat. I took the rest home and the niece and nephew went wild over the amazing taste. Now they want some too! LOL Oh, but the chippies didn't last, I finished them! :)

My new favourite cluster of rings from Forever New. The photo does not do justice to its beauty :)

I know, bad quality photo but I couldn't leave this out. It's such a cute photo. This is Hilal's loudmouth boy. LOL He's even louder than his mother. But I love him! Mashaallah adorable!

It's like he's saying, "Oiiiiiiii whatcha doin'!


If you live in Australia, or plan to visit Australia, but have no idea or want new ideas of places where you can dine HALAL, then I suggest you join the Facebook Page Halal Restaurant Reviews. However, I do have to note that all the places are in Victoria. I guess probably because the participants are mostly Melbournians. Please, those of you from other parts of Australia, do share any info you may have on halal restaurants around Australia. You will be benefitting a very large group of people.


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