Monday, August 17, 2009

The Dress

I absolutely love this dress! It's hot and what's more, it's something you can wear without having to get sleeves to cover up any extra arm showing, without having to get a top underneath to prevent boob flashing, and without having to find a bolero/cardigan type of thing on top. It is perfect for the hijabi who has a special occasion coming up.

Well, it is a designer dress and thus the price tag, but who cares? You can find a good tailor and have it made!!! I'm sure you can have something like this made in Australia for under $200 Aussie dollars or maybe even $100.

I actually want you ladies to add the numbers of any taiolors you know of around Australia, but I can't seem to get the comments thingy working. I have enabled it and all, but it just doesn't show on the screen. :( If I have that fixed, please do post any contact details you have of good tailors in Australia. It will be helpful to many who do not know of any.



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