Saturday, April 30, 2011


 MOZ Bazzar was held on 29-30 April 2011 in Moshaict Jl.Raden Saleh No.55 Cikini.
Photography by Siti Juwariyah

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The Wide Dress




Photo by : Sendy Monarchy
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wear it your way





Photo by : Sendy Monarchy
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Q&A ! tadaa! as i told you in my "Brandenburger Tor" post that i allow you to ask me inspiring questions as much as you want by sending me facebook inbox, twitter dm or comment below. 'cause i got so many questions everywhere before but i couldnt answer it all one by one. now im trying to answer the questions i recieved, thank you for those who participating. i hope this post might satisfy.

Q : Could you please tell us your Bios ? born, hobby, fav food etc...
A : Halo, I'm Indah Nada Puspita, 17 years old. was born in Medan, 18 June 1993.
Hobbys : Singing, Painting, Blogging, Spending money then feel so regret, Playing Piano, Dancing, Travelling, Photography, Swimming, Role play, etc
Fav food : French fries, Meatball, My cuisine
Fav singer : Me
What else ?

Q : Where do you get some of your inspirations ?
A : Hmm... idk, but i guess mirror gives me many inspirations hehehe. ya, i mean i love standing in front of the mirror for a looong time just to wear my hijab and tadaa! i made it, i made it in many different styles, that's why sometimes i forgot how did i make it :x . But, if you are searching for popular hijab blogs, maybe these might help you to give some inspirations. If you are a Blogwalker, I'm sure you guys already know them... 

Q : What kinda camera do you use ? Please write some infos about using the focus, ISO, and so on...
A : Canon 1000D, and sometimes Sony Alfa 200. Na ja, i understand a lil bit about the focus, ISO and so on.. i learned it in my Photography class when i was in High School. but still.... Using the Auto one is the easiest way hehehe, almost all of my photos taken by "Auto":))

Q : When did you start wearing hijab ?
A : Actually i wear Hijab since i was in Elementary School cause my school was a kind of Islamic School, so wearing Hijab was a must. Bytheway my Elementary school was"SDIT Istiqamah, Balikpapan". but outside the school time i didnt wear  Hijab. i start wearing it fully since junior high school, altough my senior high school was a National school A.K.A SMP negri hehehe, i still wear it. and i wear it till now. anyway, my junior high school was "SMPN 1, Balikpapan" Holaaa Balikpapan i miss you so much :3

Q : I want to wear hijab, but i'm afraid. it was ironic to see my wearing hijab friends still often leave their responsibility, what's your opinion ?
A : in my opinion... why should we be afraid ? it is all depend on us, it is all depend on our intention, all i know is... doing something good like starting to wear hijab is pahala. then if wearing hijab can motivate us to be better, why not ? so what should we be afraid of ?

Q : What is the name of your college? and what faculty ?
A : Well, I am still preparing my college, there's nothing instant. i plan to choose medical faculty. so just pray for me and wish me luck in every step of mine!

Q : Could you please tell us how can you meet your boyf ( Muhammad Adhiguna Sosiawan ) ?
A : God brought us together :p

Q : You and your boyf are such a gorgeous couple. When will you get merried ?
A :  Oh my God, idk. im still too young for it. Let's pray for the best one. but dont worry if the day really come true, i'll announce it in my blog for sure ! hahaha

Q : Can you tell us about your "marriage dream" ?
A : Actually i really have no idea obut my marriage. but i (do) (really) (very) wanna be a super pretty princess ( so much ) that day, with super pretty gowns like i always dreamed of :3 and like i always say to my boyfriend suddenly with no reason  "i wanna be a princess :3" .... then, he always answer "hey, you always be my princess :3"

Q : Can you teach us how to mix and match our outfits to look fashionable and not too much ?
A : it's hard to explain and i dont know how to explain with words actually hehe, i think... the important things are paying attention to colors or the patterns, the style, materials, and the hijab. uh i'll give you some example with photos later, cause it will be more easier for me to tell and for you to catch.
but later, if i have time i'll make it. so just be patient to wait :)


well, that's enough, Thank you for the questions :)) sorry i dindt have any time yet to make more hijab tutorials and me singing something videos. bytheway, welcome May! new months, more spirit ! yay! see you loooveeeee :3
Posted on 4:05 PM / 0 comments / Read More

A Tool of Empowerment

It's been a while since we received the package from SixteenR. We finally got a chance to properly get to know the products in our last trip. Our first impression, well these scarves are interesting; a soft silk purple scarves with some printing on it. It looks fun. The other one is a bright yellow scarf with a square pattern made out of fairly stiff material. Well normally, this is not a material that we use for headscarves. We got challenge.

Surprisingly the scarves texture very nice and warm, perfect for the beach when it's quite windy. We almost always took that scarves every time we went to the beach; simply by rolling it around the body or wrapping over the head or even just to warm your neck. We have to admit we started to get addicted with the scarves.

By the time we got home, we tried to know a bit more about the brand. When we browsed to their website we immediately fell in love with the philosophy :
- A scarf can be a tool of empowerment.
- A scarf can define a womans presence with power and style.
- A scarf has the ability to transform a woman's appearance, whether you worn it as a neck scarf or as a head scarf.

With those strong personality, you would feel like you want to continue the spirit and the energy through the scarves their produce. You will crave for trying each of their products.

Nancy Hoque designs the products to make everyone who wear it feel confident and beautiful. Each design is innovative in color, look and feel. Furthermore each design has their meaning behind it. We think owning one scarf wont be enough, no? You have to have more than just one scarves to live by their ethos. So, what say you?

Photographer : The Husbands
Digital Imaging : Mrs. Fifi Alvianto
Copywriter : Mrs. Hanna Faridl

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Posted on 7:14 AM / 0 comments / Read More

3 style with Tie Dye

3 style with Tie Dye by Dian Pelangi
Pants, Shirt, and Cardigan
Maxi Dress by Lulu Elhasbu
Scarf by Kami Idea

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You're pretty much my favorite

The flowers in my backyard is blossoming! :D

Everything worn repeated: The Poplook Slinky maxi dress / Cotton On cropped tee and flats / Jezmine's preloved vintage bag / Beautiful Disaster chain necklace / Chicpop scarf

Mayday mayday!

It's that day again where you just feel sooooo lazy *plays the lazy song in my head* to go out and do anything! But still, I gotta get this heavy butt of mine to go out and work! So what happens on my lazy days you might ask? I opt with skirts! Yeap, that's my theory. Skirts are the best solution when it comes to dressing very laid-back. I wore my favorite maxi dress, AGAIN, today, but this time, I pulled down the top part of the dress to my waist. And presto, a bubble-peplum effect is born!
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Friday, April 29, 2011

Cereal & Cheetos


Itu hari aku bosan. Aku capai kunci motor dan start enjin, terus aku rem minyak menembusi jalan kampung yang keadaan jalannya sungguh menyakitkan hati. Bukan setakat sakit malah hatiku menjadi panas. Betullah macam member-member aku cakap, jalan nak pergi rumah aku ni macam trek ATV. Dia punya lubang tu persis macam periuk api. Tak kira lagi lopak air yang bisa melemaskan apa sahaja makhluk yang bertandang di dalamnya. 

Tapi permandangan sini cantik. Gunung yang menghijau, sawah padi yang menguning, rumah papan yang dimakan usia dan orang kampung yang sedang bercucuk tanam. Sebijik macam lukisan yang aku lukis masa darjah 2 Cempaka dulu. Kamonlah, masa Pendidikan Seni dulu, bila cikgu suruh lukis gambar permandangan tu jelah modal kau orang kan? Gunung-sawah-rumah kayu-matahari dicelah gunung. Typikal. Termasuklah aku haha!

Aku park motor betul-betul depan pintu masuk Griya. Griya ni macam aku pernah sebut dulu, dia lebih kurang macam Giant. Disinilah tempat aku membeli stok makanan mentah. Aku capai sebuah bakul dan berjalan mencari kelibat susu. Hmm...kat sini Dutch Lady nama dia Frisian Flag. Tapi dia manis sikit. Tak sesedap di Malaysia lah. Tapi oklah kot daripada takde. Aku capai 2 kotak besar. Low Fat & Chocolate.

Alang-alang beli susu ni, baik beli cereal sekali bentak hatiku. Eceh takyah nak bentak sangat pon takpe. Takde sape kesah kau nak beli cereal ke tak. Cereal kat sini sama je macam kat Malaysia, brand Nestle. Aku rasa diorang import sebab harga dia mahal jugak. Rp30k. Lebih kurang RM10. Mahal tau. Seekor ayam pon baru Rp22k. Ni cereal je dah Rp30k. Memang taklah kan orang orang miskin kat sini nak beli. Makan bakso pon baru Rp5k. Kau tengok betapa besarnya beza nilai dia?

Sedang aku dok convert-convert duit Rupiah kepada RM (haha nilah kegemaranku bila membeli belah), aku nampak ada sorang budak pompuan ni, umur kurang lebih 4 tahun berjalan berpimpin tangan dengan mak dia. Mak dia pakai baby sling yang diperbuat dari kain batik lusuh. Baju dia pun lusuh, nampak macam orang susah. Aku tengok dalam bakul dia cuma ada kopi beberapa paket, telur dan mee segera. Si anak perempuan ni sambil berskipping-skipping tak hengat dunia, dia meminta-minta mak dia supaya belikan jajan. 'Aku mauuuu yang ini donkkkk, bisa ga mama??'

Budak pompuan tu mintak ibu dia belikan dia Nestle Koko Krunch. Si ibu pada mulanya senyum lantas tangannya mencapai kotak cereal tersebut. Dilihatnya harga yang terpapar di tepi kotak tersebut, terus riak mukanya berubah dan diletak kembali kotak itu di tempat asal. 'Ga enak ni sayang...nutrisinya ga bagus..yang lain ajah ya?' Kata ibunya lembut. Si anak tarik muncung.

Si ibu terus memujuk anaknya supaya ambil jajan yang lain. Aku paham perasaan si ibu. Rp30k cukup banyak dan bermakna untuk orang miskin disini. Even kalau kerja membuat tahu pon hanya dibayar gaji rp10k sehari. Memang sangat daif. Pernah aku ternampak seorang pakcik ni membuka walletnya di dalam angkot, terkejutnya aku kerana dalam walletnya cuma ada Rp7k = RM2.50

Sewaktu aku beratur untuk bayar, aku nampak budak perempuan tu makan jajan Cheetos sambil menunggu ibunya membayar di cashier. Aku tersenyum ............................................................... Cheetos harganya cuma Rp3k

Thank you for reading this entry !


Tahu tak Clarins tengah bagi free trial skincare product? Siap bagi free consultation lagi tau. Check It Out Girls!
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Thursday, April 28, 2011

blue skirt

This is actually my mum blue dress. yup. dress. not skirt. But after I asked my mum to gave it to me, I made this dress become long skirt. haha... I love to re-make over clothes.

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God may love the 'enemy' too...

Lately I've been trying to read a few books at the same time. I know it is not really recommended to do this, but in all honesty, it makes my brain work harder to try and figure which story belongs to which book once I pick up the novel(s). Oh, and the main reason I am doing this is because I have a book in my handbag, another book by my bed, and one by the coffee table.

It's only for convenience. If I feel like reading, I must have a book by my side so I can start reading before the feeling flees away. :)

Anyhow, one of the books is Mitch Albom's "Have a Little Faith". He is a Jew married to a Lebanese Christian. In his book, he tries to look at issues from many religious aspects. So we have a slightly objective account, which makes it all the more human to me... I'm actually enjoying it, and there are some passages I would like to share via my blog... from time to time... I promise, I will try not to do an overkill, but I cannot guarantee it LOL

Here's the first passage I wanted to share:


     ...and I am in my religious highschool. The subject is the parting of the Red Sea. I yawn. What is left to learn about this? I've heard it a million times.I look accross the room to a girl I like and contemplate how hard it would be to get her attention.

"There is a Talmudic commentary here," the teacher says.

Oh, great, I figure. This means translation, which is slow and painful. But as the story unfolds, I begin to pay attention.

After the Israelites safely crossed the Red Sea, the Egyptians chased after them and were drowned. God's angels wanted to celebrate the enemy's demise.

According to the commentary, God saw this and grew angry. He said, in essence: "Stop celebrating for those were my children, too."

Those were my children , too.

"What do you think of that?" the teacher asks us.

Someone else answers. But I know what I think. I thnk it is the first time I've heard that God might love the "enemy" as well as us.
Years later, I will forget the class, forget the teacher's name, forget the girl accross the room. But I will remember that story.

--Albom, Mitch, "Have a Little Faith", p.76, Sphere (2009)

I found this thought provoking... What about you? What is running through your mind after reading this passage?

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Taking Shape In Autumn-Winter

I had mentioned the brand TS14+ Taking Shape in a couple of my much earlier posts. I had a puff skirt which I loved dearly... and sold off on eBay due to size change... Anyways, no need to mourn.. boohooo... I really did love it... but anyway, it's an excuse to buy new stuff aye? ;)

Hmm, well I received the new season catalogue from TS14+ today, and I really liked some of the looks they put together. Well, TS14+ does have some really weird honky donky stuff, BUT you gotta give it to them, they also have some very awesome designs... and their items are usually modest or can be modified to suit the needs of a Muslim woman who tries to dress in accordance with her Code of Faith.

Here are a few of the new season stuffs I like from their catalogue:

I must have this dress! I NEED this dress. :) One of my faves...

The skirt I mentioned (the one I sold off on eBay) was similar to this... just a different print. I know for some such designs may be a turnoff, but I actually qute like this with the cityscape... I might buy one to make up for the loss of the previous one.. but I gotta save save save, as TS14+ items are a TAD expensive. But in all honesty, they use the best quality fabrics and the stitching is always intact. Everything I purchased from TS14+ is in excellent condition despite all the wear and washing. So you are getting your moneys worth. Trust me!

There we go again, the cityscape. I think it's cute. Whatcha think?


The only thing I may have to criticise is the use of colours. Why is it that there is never enough use of lighter colours and pastels for plus size clothing? In the spring-summer season, TS14+ for example had used nude pink for only one dress and a soft grey for one dress. All else were once again black! Arghhh as if plus size women do not want to go along wth the colour trends.  Stuff the trends, can we not ever wear anything other than black, red, and grey? Puhhhhleaaaaase!

Yeah, that was my oly criticism, and I know it's autumn-winter, LOL but that don't mean I wanna be dark and glum all season. :)

Oh, and in case you didn't know, TS14+ caters for sizes 14-24.
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My first ever video!

Tadaaaa! Actually I was hesitant to put this up, but my inner guts tells me to ward off all those negative insecurities I have of videos, so, here you go! Focus on the contents okayyy :P

Obviously this was taken yesterday, hence the outfit :P
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someone just made this for me :)
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Dian Pelangi, Jakarta Fashion Week 2009


Hareem Pants and Cropped Coat


Maxi Skirt


Trench Coat


Draped Coat


Tie Dye and Bright Colors

"and then the ready to wear market that mostly are adopting from what's coming on Jakarta Fashion Week, What's coming up from the top designers, and then they picked it up and they mixed it like ready to wear, with a very very reasonable price"
- Svida Alisjahbana -

"Mixing faith and fashion - you only get that with Islam" - Dian Pelangi

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what I wore today

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Bahagia betul dapat duduk dekat rumah sendiri. Betul lah orang putih kata home sweet home. Selain daripada membahagiakan, rumah ini juga dipenuhi dengan chocolate yang begitu sweet. Cuba kau bayangkan mana tak bahagianya aku? Bangun pagi dikejut oleh parents tersayang, dihidangkan breakfast depan mata. Sikit lagi untuk makan tengahari, ibu tanya nak makan apa, dia nak masakkan. Dinner pulak makan ramai-ramai satu family sambil layan berita tv3. Masyukkk siak dah 3 tahun aku tak tengok berita tu.

Pehh berbeza sungguhla dengan kehidupan di Indon itu hari, bangun terkejut dan breakfast aku hanyalah santapan notification dari Facebook ='). Tengahari pergi cari makanan tepi jalan. Kalau malas, memang tiada makanan bagimu Fatin. Malam pulak mintak tolong jiran pergi beli makanan, kalau dia balik futsal lambat, maka lambatlah dinner untukku. 

 Pelawak, pembuli & si comel asfiq

 Ayah menggaru leher & ibu bagaikan tiada leher?? why??

Siryess dah lama gila aku tak makan banyak2 lauk camni. Style makan kat indon bukan macam ni.

 Serius sungguh mereka berduet lagu Love Hurt by Nazareth =')

Sumpah ini bukan disco.

Tak rasa nak pergi jalan-jalan. Rasa nak duduk rumah sambil membaca buku The Last Mystery dan berenang bersama asfiq sehingga kulit kecut teehee.

Thank you for reading this entry !
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